Rina Ferri

Biografia e shkurter Une quhem Rina Ferri, kam lindur ne Mitrovice ku edhe jetoj. Shkollen Fillore dhe Shkollen Fillore te Muzikes I perfundova paralelisht, pastaj vazhdova Shkollen e Mesme profesionale te Muzikes ku ne vitin e fundit u shpalla si nxenesja me e mire e shkolles. Gjate shkollimit kam marre pjese ne shume koncerte e turne muzikore. Tani vazhdoj studimet ne Universitetin e Prishtines – Fakulteti I Arteve (Departamenti I Arteve Muzikore) Instrumenti: Piano, ne vitin e trete (me sukses te larte).Ju falenderoj perzemersisht qe me perzgjodhet ne mesin e gjithe atyre kandidateve, si fituese te burses se Fondacionit “Salih dhe Isa Nushi”.

Besoj shume qe nuk do te ju zhgenjej, gjithmone e gatshme te jap kontributin tim.

Me respekt,

Rina Ferri


Short biography

My name is Rina Ferri, I was born in Mitrovica where I also live. I attended primary school and primary school of Music at the same time, and then I continued High School of Music in Mitrovica, when in the last year of my studies I was declared as the best student of the year. During the years I participated in many concerts and musical tours. Now I study at the University of Prishtina- Faculty of Arts (DAM) Instrument: Piano, and I am in the third year .

I am so thankful that I was chosen to be one of the scholarship winners.

I believe that I will not disappoint you, and I will always be ready to give my contribution.

Best regards,

Rina Ferri