Marigona Osmani

Une jam Marigona Osmani e lindur me 31.12.1996 ne Mitrovice. Shkollimin fillor dhe te mesem e mbarova ne Mitrovice kurse studimet jam duke i ndjekur ne Universitetin e Prishtines, Fakulteti i Mjekesise dega Infermieri. Faleminderoj Zotin qe ende ka njerz sikur ata te Fondacionit Salih dhe Isa Nushi te cilet nepermjet ndihmes se tyre me mundesuan qe kete vit ta perfundoj ne menyren me te mire te mundshme, te cilet kontribuan ne mbulimin e shpenzimeve te mija gjate ketij viti te shkollimit. Me te vertet realizimi i enderres time qe te diplomoj eshte aq afer dhe sado qe e faleminderoj Fondacionin Salih dhe Isa Nushi per kontributin ne arsimimin tim eshte e pakte. Ndihme te cilen nuk do ta harroj kurr. Ju faleminderoj shume, do mundohem qe me punen dhe sukseset e mija t’ua shperblej kontributin e dhene. Me respekt, Marigona Osmani.


My Biography

I am Marigona Osmani, born in Mitrovica, 31.12.1996. My primary and secondary education I have finished in Mitrovica, now I am pursuing studies at University of Prishtina, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing department, third year.

I thank God that still excist people like them at FSI which through their help enabled me to finish this year in the best way by contributing to cover my expenses during schooling.

Really the realization of my dream to graduate is so close and though I thanks FSI for the contribution in my education isn’t enough. This help I will never forget.

Thank you very much, I will try to reward your contribution with my work and success.

Kind regards, Marigona Osmani.